Public Environmental Review Announcement

The Perdaman Chemicals and Fertilisers’ (Perdaman) Public Environmental Review (PER) document has been considered acceptable by the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) for release for an eight week public comment period commencing 28 September.
Key points highlighted in the document include:
- The proposed PCF plant generates considerably less CO2 (-40%) per tonne of coal used compared to burning coal for power generation.
- The Collie Urea Plant contributes very little to modelled air pollutant concentrations, < 1% SOx, 1% NOx and 3% particulates.
- Traffic volumes in relation to the project will be well within guideline levelsĀ for the Coalfields highway.
- A combination of engineering design features at Collie and Bunbury, together with continuous rail car unloading practices at Bunbury, will be employed to minimise noise emissions from the project.
- No Threatened Ecological Communities, Declared Rare Flora or Priority Flora were identified on the site.