T2o Blast Carnival Comes to Roche Park for another great day of cricket

120 local school students from Allanson, Amaroo, St Brigids, Fairview and Wilson’s Park primary schools joined Collie Cricket Club juniors in Roche Park last Wednesday to take part in the 5th T20 Blast Carnival held by the Perdaman South West Cricket Academy and Western Australian Cricket Association.
Warriors Matt Dixon, Joel Paris and Andrew Tye joined the students on the day, alongside Perdaman South West Cricket Academy High Performance Coach Orazio Santalucia and Perdaman corporate advisor and former Australian Test Cricketer, Tom Moody.
The Collie Cricket Club played host to the day provding a sausage sizzle lunch and refreshments while the students and Warriors ‘battled’ it out on the field.
It was a fun day enjoyed by all and Perdaman would like to thank everyone involved in making the day a success as always!