Unveiling Perdaman

On 6 March 2009 Perdaman Chemicals and Fertilisers formerly North West Chemicals and Fertilisers unveiled the new company name and plans to construct a $3.5 billion urea manufacturing plant in Collie, Western Australia.
The Premier; Minister for State Development The Hon. Colin Barnett MLA and The Minister for Regional Development; Lands The Hon. Brendon Grylls MLA announced the release of 246 hectares for the Shotts Industrial Park, of which Perdaman Chemicals and Fertilisers will be they key tenant.
More than 50 guests travelled to Collie where Perdaman Industries Chairman and Managing Director Vikas Rambal announced the plant and new company name.
A cocktail evening was also held at Burswood Entertainment Complex on the same day where more than 150 guests celebrated the announcement.
Mr Vikas Rambal dedicated the launch to his late father Perdaman Krishan Rambal and said the construction and operation of the plant provided positive economic news for both the Collie region and Western Australia.